Monday, November 19, 2007

Our Next Show

Our next live appearance will be at Westhampton Bowl on Nov. 23, the Friday after Thanksgiving. We will hit at 8:00 pm.

We are all pretty psyched to play there, it is a new venue for us and the management seem open to trying something new for them. I think the bowling alley suits us, it has a cool retro vibe (it has been there a long time) it's got a bar and a dance floor, food, and of course bowling. We are trying to cultivate a venue, albeit a non traditional one, and Westhampton Bowling could be ideal. If we can get in on a regular basis and grow a little following in town, it would be good for all involved. It could be good for other bands too.

Our set will include rockabilly and rock and roll songs that we always play, some new stuff and we will be breaking out some Rock and Roll Christmas favorites.

Westhampton Lanes are located at 87 Sunset Ave.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I'm there after stuffing myself with turkey. Nothing says Thanksgiving like bowling and rock and roll.